Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Old Testament Fly-Over

While I was ill over the past couple of weeks I took the opportunity to reaad through the Old Testament. I admit, it was a quick read and I skimmed some of the lists of names. Still, reading through the Old Testament as an entire work gave me a new perspective on things. I've developed a Top Ten List of Old Testament Observations:

1. God created everything.

2. God is holy. (As in completely set apart from His creation. Completely good. Completely pure. Completely right. In everything).

3. God is involved. (He knows about everything, and He cares about it).

4. God wants to be our God. (Seriously, He says it throughout the entire Old Testament).

5. God wants us to be His people. (Relationship is a big deal with God. A really big deal).

6. God will help us if we'll trust Him. (If we're not trusting Him, all bets are off).

7. God will let us wander if we choose to.

8. God likes it when we stop to worship Him. (Every once in a while, Old Testament people simply stop, drop what they're doing and tell God how incredible He is. It's like time stands still and they enter eternity. I want to live like that).

9. God means what He says. (You can believe that He will do exactly what He says He will do).

10. Wise people trust God.

1 comment:

Jeff A said...

Pastor Tom,
I like the insights. Thank you very much for sharing.