Thursday, October 30, 2008

North Central University Meeting

I'm in a couple of days of meetings in Minneapolis with the North Central University Board. Dr Gordon Anderson (right) shared some interesting statistics. If I understood correctly, approximately 60,000 students from our Assemblies of God churches graduate from high school each year. Only 3,000 of those students attend one of our A/G schools. Of those who attend secular institutions, upwards of 75% are not practicing their faith upon graduation from college. Those who attend one of our schools are much more likely to be actively involved in a relationship with Christ, and with a local church. I'm committing myself to do my best to encourage students to attend an A/G college or university, and I'm enlisting anyone who will help with that task.

Lives are changed at Assemblies of God schools. Help me spread the word!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week of Meetings

I'm heading into two days of meetings with the Network Presbyters, beginning today. I am so thankful for this group of godly spiritual leaders from across the state of Iowa. I appreciate all of their sacrifice and hard work on behalf of our ministers and churches!

On Wednesday, Lori and I will leave for Minneapolis to meet with the Board of Regents for North Central University. We always look forward to being on campus with the students and the leadership of this great university. We can't wait to see and hear what God is doing in the lives of our next generation leaders! Our plan (as always) is to snag the brightest and best and encourage them to consider Iowa as a potential field for ministry!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Take the Bull by the Tail

I just read a great quote from my favorite book of the week, The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham." The quote is actually from Mark Twain, who said, "A person who has had a bull by the tail once has learned sixty or seventy times as much as a person who hasn't." Maybe you feel like you have a bull by the tail right now. Hold on! And learn the lessons God has for you. You may end up bumped and bruised, but you'll have experience that those who've never been on the wrong end of a bull have never had. And you'll have some stories to tell!

Hang in there!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Return to the Blogosphere!

It is official. I am returning to the blogosphere! I'm hoping that this blog will be a place for us to stay in touch and equip and encourage each other. I'd love to hear from you, so when you read something that is helpful, let me know. I wish we could all sit down at a table, share a cup of coffee, and talk about life and ministry. Since that's not too feasible, perhaps this blogspot will provide a forum for some conversation. So, grab a cup of coffee, read the blogs, and write me a comment once in a while!

Catalyst Conference

We just returned from the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. A total of 19 leaders from the Iowa Ministry Network made the trip, and it was fantastic! You can check out the Catalyst podcasts via and enter "catalyst" in the search icon. You can also access podcasts at Click on "contents" and then click "podcasts." You'll gain access to a wide variety of speakers who are actively involved in affecting the culture. Check it out and let me know what you think!