Monday, April 20, 2009

Mad Church Disease

Anne Jackson's new book, Mad Church Disease should probably be a "must read" for every pastor and/or pastor's family member. Anne does a great job of discussing the challenges faced by pastors and their families, but she doesn't stop there. She explains the causes and effects of ministry burn-out and gives some great strategies to avoid it. If you feel you're already caught in the throes of burn-out, she shines a light on the path to recovery. I'm not finished with the book, but I'd recommend it for what I've read so far. Anne is up-front, honest, and real, but she refuses to wallow in self-pity. The book is helping me. I think it will help you, too.

The Principle of the Path

OK, Andy Stanley has hit another one out of the park. His book, The Principle of the Path is a great read. I realize that I'm never supposed to say, "so-and-so" needs to read this book, but it really is a wonderful guidepost for any graduate you may be aware of. Basically, Andy demonstrates that every action in our lives is part of a path that we choose, and every path leads somewhere. I wish I had read this book when I was 18 and just starting out in my adult life. Get it. Read it. Give it away to somebody younger than you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Lori and I just purchased a couple of bicycles to ride on the trail near our home. I'm not riding to beat my previous time, or even to get into better shape (although I hope that happens). We're actually riding in order to spend time together and to get to know our neighborhood a little better. It's great to take a slow pace around the neighborhood and to separate ourselves a bit from the hurry that so often captivates us. What a great stress reliever!
See you around the neighborhood!