Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Last Lecture

I have had some trouble sleeping over the past couple of weeks, but it's ok. It's provided some time to read The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Randy is informed that he has only months to live and in light of this he decides to deliver a final lecture in a new series (titled "Journeys") at Carnegie Mellon. The book bascially covers some of Randy's childhood dreams and their fulfillment (or lack of fulfillment). While the book is not necessarily written from an Evangelical perspective, it's a great read, and a reminder that we all are living with a limited number of days. I was inspired to live every day that I'm alive.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Network Tour Video

We've had a number of people ask about the video that Gary Pilcher shared during his Network Tour presentation. You can find the video on Once on the site, search the word "assumptions" and you'll find the video. You'll need to set up an account if you haven't already, and there is a cost to download the video, but it's worth it!

Great job, Gary! I think this may have been one of the most meaningful and practical Network Tours to date!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Section 5 Begins the Adventure!

Wow, the Section 5 banquet was beautiful. We met at the Marina Inn and ate prime rib and enjoyed a view of the Missouri River. It was especially fun to see all of our Section One friends and to visit with the folks from Morningside Assembly. Sounds like Pastor Johnny Helton is leading the church to new heights! We are so delighted to hear the good reports!
Pastors, as you make plans to begin the discussion of "It" with your boards, be sure to allow enough time in your meeting to afford an in-depth discussion. I'd encourage you to use the tools that Gary Pilcher shared to help guide and focus your time of sharing. Be sure to include a time to pray together about the spiritual direction and passion of your church.
Let me know how the discussions are going!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It Update

I promised Section 5 pastors and board members that I would update the information about Rosenkrans Book and Bible. You can contact Fred and Sandy to order "It" (both the book and the DVd). Check them out at: You can't beat their deals on this material.
God bless you as we pursue "It" together!