Thursday, October 23, 2008

Catalyst Conference

We just returned from the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. A total of 19 leaders from the Iowa Ministry Network made the trip, and it was fantastic! You can check out the Catalyst podcasts via and enter "catalyst" in the search icon. You can also access podcasts at Click on "contents" and then click "podcasts." You'll gain access to a wide variety of speakers who are actively involved in affecting the culture. Check it out and let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Just checking out your blog. Very cool! I don't think that I ever told you how much I appreciated being able to go on the Catalyst trip. My life was greatly impacted. I was challenged in my life to a new level. Thanks for what you do to help all of us become who we are destined to be!

Richard Schlotter

Tom Jacobs said...

I'm glad it had such an impact. I was really helped and blessed being with such a great group of leaders!


Anonymous said...

I attended the DRIVE conference at Northpoint this past Summer (I have a good friend on staff there) and viewed the blogs from Catalyst- great stuff! I appreciate your leadership and the opportunity last month to say a few words at the E2 Conference. I am excited about the future of the Iowa Network and will continue to cover you in prayer as God uses you as an apostle in our state.
Dave DeHaan